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Mixed Media Freaks
It began back in 1990 with some wire, glue, and cloth. Since then I’ve added rocks. Enjoy the wide range of possibilities in my Mixed Media Theater.
Ceramics Freaks
For 30,000 years, humans have been sculpting and firing clay. See how I’m dragging this art form back to the stone age in my Ceramics Theater.
How I Make the Freaks
Whether starting with a cube of clay or a coil of wire, by the end, it always goes horribly wrong. Watch me make monsters in the Process Theater.
Explore My Shop
When you purchase original one-of-a-kind artwork, you gain a piece of the artist’s soul. Take my soul and let it keep you company while you brush your teeth.
Stay Connected
I post most frequently on my Patreon.
I also occasionally send out a newsletter.